
Bathmate Size Guide

Now that you have decided to buy a Bathmate product you are probably wondering which one is right for you. Clearly a one size fits all policy doesn’t apply to Bathmate pumps, using the wrong size may not reap amazing results and may potentially be dangerous. This size guide will help you to purchase the Bathmate that is perfect for you. Order your Bathmate pumps here.

Size Guide – What size Bathmate pump is best for you?

All the penis sizes used in this guide are referring to the erect size. To ensure you are measuring right, length is measured from the penis base (on the side of the stomach) to the tip and girth is measuring the widest point of your penis from left to right. It’s time to get measuring!

The Hydromax X20 is the smallest of the Bathmate pumps, but with the same great results. Don’t be afraid to start off with this pump, you will likely need to progress to a larger one once you have been using it for a few months. The Hydromax X20 is built for blokes whose penis is smaller than 5.5 inches in length or less than 1.5 inches in girth.

The Bathmate Hercules is the original penis pump. This pump is designed for average sized men, use this pump if your penis is less than 7.5 inches in length and under 2 inches in girth. The Hydromax X30 can also be used with this size penis.

The Hydromax X40 is 15% larger than the X30. This pump is perfect for those who are over 2 inches in girth and longer than 7.5 inches.

Finally there is the Bathmate Goliath, this is only for the largest of men. This pump is a huge 30% larger than the Hercules, meaning it is suitable for men who are longer than 9 inches. This pump is rarely used apart from by those who have graduated up from the smaller size pumps.

It is very important that you don’t just buy the biggest pump! Just because the Goliath is the largest doesn’t mean it will produce the biggest results for you. Bathmate pumps work by creating a seal around your penis and then the subsequent pressure created by the water causes the increases in size that you are looking for. Using the wrong size will not allow the seal to form properly and the pressure system may not work effectively. Therefore to see the greatest gains in penis size it is important to buy a Bathmate that is suited to you. Click here to order your Bathmate pumps & products.

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