Every time you place an order we ensure the box is discreetly packed and shipped, we use the world’s number one online retailer Amazon to pack and ship our products. Nothing on the outside of the box will reveal the contents inside, so you don’t have to worry about your family, friends, or neighbours finding out. Once you place your order and it has been confirmed, all your details are transferred to an off site computer that’s not connected to the internet, ensuring your information cannot be stolen or hacked. Once the accounting retention period is over, all customer documents are disposed of in a secure way. Order your Bathmate pump her and get fast, free and discreet delivery.
Order your pump with 100% satisfaction
From the moment you place your order, to the moment of delivery, nobody will have any idea what’s inside the package. We take the distribution part of our business very seriously and guarantee to all our customers that we provide an easy, discreet, and confidential delivery service.
We won’t hassle you with after-sales promotions
Unlike many of our competitors who sell inferior products, we won’t hassle you with additional marketing material and offers, as a Bathmate pump is all you will ever need to achieve strong erections and a bigger penis. Click here to order your pump.